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A1 Housing / Bassetlaw

Who Can Apply?

Anyone aged 18 years and over can apply to go on the Housing Register.

Applicants aged 16 or 17 years will also be accepted in certain circumstances.

Applicants are accepted into one of the Housing Register bands A - E if they have a local connection to the Basssetlaw District Council Area.

A Local Connection is:-

  • The applicant has lived in the Bassetlaw District Council area for a continuous period in the last five years as their main home.
  • The applicant does not currently live in the Bassetlaw District Council area but has a close relative who lives in the Bassetlaw area and has done so for a continuous period in the last five years.  A close relative is spouse, parent, child or sibling.
  • The applicant is currently serving in Her Majesty’s Forces and wishes to reside in the Bassetlaw District Council area.
  • The applicant has not lived in the Bassetlaw District Council area for the last five years but has been a tenant of Bassetlaw District Council or a registered social housing provider in the Bassetlaw District Council area for more than 2 years.
  • The applicant is a victim of domestic violence with a need to reside in the Bassetlaw District Council area and has been referred by Women’s Aid under the terms of the “move on” protocol.
  • The applicant is a secure, introductory or assured tenant of a registered housing provider in England, with a need to move to the Bassetlaw District Council area for work, under the “right to move”.

Bassetlaw District Council will carry out checks to ensure that applicants meet the local connection criteria, and further supporting evidence may be required.

No Local Connection:-

Applicants that do not satisfy the local connection criteria will be accepted onto the register and placed in band F. 

Applicants in band F will not be able to move to another band unless they satisfy the local connection criteria.

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