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A1 Housing / Bassetlaw

Prioritising Applications

The latest version of the Bassetlaw District Council HomeFinder Choice Based Lettings policy can be can be viewed by clicking here.

Properties will be allocated to applicants who have expressed an interest in a property in band order

The 6 Lettings Bands are as follows:

Band A - Applicants with severe or urgent needs for Re-housing

You will be placed in this band if:

  • Following an assessment by Bassetlaw District Council (BDC), you are Classed as being legally homeless
  • Your current home has been assessed by BDC and is unfit to live in
  • Your current home is found to be legally overcrowded
  • There is immediate threat of severe violence or threat to life
  • Your current Council home requires major repair works
  • In emergency circumstances, you can no longer live in your current Council home
  • Following an assessment by the Medical Panel, you or a member of your family has a severe medical need for     re-housing
  • You or a member of your family need to live in a fully adapted property

Band B – Applicants with High Housing Needs.

You will be placed in this band if:

  • You are a Bassetlaw tenant and no longer need to live in a larger property
  • You are a tenant with a right of succession and are willing to move to an alternative property
  • You are a family member of a deceased Bassetlaw tenant, without the right of succession.
  • You are a Bassetlaw tenant who no longer needs a fully adapted property
  • You have a right of succession to a Bassetlaw property, which is for senior citizens, but you do not qualify for this property, as you are not old enough
  • You have been referred to us by a Support Agency who we have a prior agreement with
  • We have been asked to re-house you under the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement
  • We have been asked to re-house you by Nottinghamshire County Council under the Children’s Act
  • Following an assessment by the Medical Panel, you or a member of your family has a high medical need for re-housing
  • You have been discharged from hospital and there is no alternative accommodation

Band C – Applicants with Some Housing Needs.

You will be placed in this band if:

  • You have children aged 10 years or under who are currently living in a 2nd floor flat or above
  • You are a Senior Citizen aged 60 or over and living in a 2nd floor flat or above
  • You are living in insecure or shared accommodation
  • Your property is in poor condition and is a risk to health, following an assessment by BDC
  • You are living in cramped conditions
  • You need to move in order to give or receive support from a relative, friend or carer
  • Following an assessment by the Medical Panel, you or a member of your family has some medical need for re-housing
  • You are serving in Her Majesty’s Forces and living in forces accommodation and have a close family connection with the Bassetlaw area

Band D – Applicants with Low Housing Needs.

You will be placed in this band if: 

  • You do not qualify in Bands A, B or C
  • You are serving in Her Majesty’s Forces but do not have a local connection to Bassetlaw but wish to reside in the Bassetlaw area

Band E - Applicants who meet the local connection criteria:

  • Applicants who currently own or have financial interest in a residential property.
  • Applicants who do not live in the Bassetlaw area but have a local connection.

Band F - All Other Applicants:

  • This band applies to all applicants who have not lived in the Bassetlaw area for 5 years or do meet the local connection criteria.  If an applicant does not meet the local connection criteria they will be allocated Band F irrespective of their housing need.


If you have been placed in band A, B or C, your position in that band is determined by the date you entered the band. This date may be different to the date you first applied for housing.

If you have been placed in Bands D, E or F, your position will be the date of your housing application.




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